by Jason Schulz, Hey Chiro CEO | Jul 8, 2021 | Business/Marketing Tools
I’d be willing to bet that no one has ever gotten to the end of a form on the Internet and been happy to see a CAPTCHA. They’re a necessary evil in web design. Or are they? This week, we’re going to answer the questions once and for all: Do your enquiry forms need...
by Jason Schulz, Hey Chiro CEO | Jul 2, 2021 | Business/Marketing Tools
Website conversion rates for Chiropractors average around 2%. For every 100 visitors, you can expect to only get 2 patients.. And honestly, that’s a pretty good conversion rate. Many sites only have a 0.1 to 0.2% conversion rate. That takes 1000 visitors to get 1...
by Jason Schulz, Hey Chiro CEO | Jun 24, 2021 | Business/Marketing Tools
Last year, one of our software suppliers (Ahrefs) studied almost a billion web pages to see how many of them are totally invisible. In other words: they receive no organic search traffic from Google or Bing whatsoever. It’s a bit hard to grow your leads and...
by Jason Schulz, Hey Chiro CEO | Jun 17, 2021 | Business/Marketing Tools
“You have the attention span of a goldfish.” Remember saying this to a friend who couldn’t pay attention to what you were saying for more than a few seconds? Well, research has now shown that it’s true for most of us when we’re on our mobiles, which means it’s likely...
by Jason Schulz, Hey Chiro CEO | Jun 11, 2021 | Business/Marketing Tools
Images are an often overlooked part of SEO and ranking your website at the top of Google. When there are roughly 80 million Google Image searches every day, which is nearly a quarter of all traffic on Google, that’s a problem. Today, we’re going to go over a few ways...
by Jason Schulz, Hey Chiro CEO | Jun 3, 2021 | Business/Marketing Tools
Over the past few years, page speed has become very important in terms of your businesses website traffic and rankings. People want fast sites — and because users want fast sites, Google does, too. “Sites that are fast do better than slow sites in Google’s search...
by Jason Schulz, Hey Chiro CEO | May 27, 2021 | Business/Marketing Tools
Display advertising has been around almost as long as the concept of making money on the Internet. Initially taking the form of banner ads, display advertising has undergone advances as technology has improved and websites have found new ways to monetise content...
by Jason Schulz, Hey Chiro CEO | May 13, 2021 | Business/Marketing Tools
Get this: Trust is one of the most powerful elements of your practice. Get people to trust you and conversions will skyrocket. If they trust you, they’ll listen to every word you say. If they trust you, they’ll buy what you sell. If they trust you, they’ll tell others...
by Jason Schulz, Hey Chiro CEO | May 6, 2021 | Business/Marketing Tools
We had a few enquiries to start the year from Chiropractors who were hungry to grow their leads and enquiries. However as soon as we started strategising as to what currently wasn’t working about their marketing, we came across their websites…… I’ll...
by Jason Schulz, Hey Chiro CEO | Apr 29, 2021 | Business/Marketing Tools
Why do your patients choose you? We all have some idea of what our “unique selling point” is, and we all definitely have opinions about the many ways in which we are better than our competition 😏 Today, I want to chat about the psychological reasons and triggers you...
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