SEO is a big deal.

Especially now that advertising is going to get harder (third-party cookies are getting cancelled 🍪) and big-tech antitrust talks are putting pressure on social media.

You may be thinking “wait, I thought this email was about Google Ads!” – stay with me.

This week I am going to run you through the steps you can take to use the data Google Ads is giving you, to improve your SEO.

The fundamental first step of SEO is doing keyword research.

Like everything on the Internet, there’s no shortage of ways to do it. But before you ride off into the digital Wild West, take a gander at your paid-ad results.

They’ll probably yield some ripe new search terms that you don’t have enough content around yet.

This is also a great keyword methodology to use if you’ve ever been daunted by a list of terms that seem unwieldy.

 $aver’s Tip: Using your Google Ads to mine search terms for inbound content is also a great way to squeeze the most out of your ad budget, especially if you’re considering reducing spend.

Don’t say we don’t help you stay thrifty.

How to Use Your Google Ad Results to Find New Keywords

Step 1: Write down the list of search terms for which you’ve gotten impressions over the past 12 months.

Let’s step away from the Chiropractic industry for a moment and say you’re selling frozen fruit online (for example) and you’ve run a few ads for your business. Over the last year, the search terms you’ve had ad impressions and clicks for might look something like this:

You get the idea.

Anyway, some of the search terms might be garbage (what in the hell is a ‘side bloob’?), but some should be right on point and fit with what you’re selling.

Step 2: Find the most relevant search terms for which you haven’t yet gotten any clicks, but that have earned you some decent impressions.

In this case, ‘Best smoothie companies’ and ‘How to freeze fruit at home’ both have zero clicks, but ‘How to freeze fruit at home’ looks most applicable to a frozen fruit business.

Step 3: Use your newfound search terms and weave them into your inbound content strategy.

For starters, you could plug the terms into Moz or Google Keywords Planner to check up on search volumes, ranking difficulty, and find their like-minded search term pals. You could even use Google Trends to see how your newly-revealed search terms have been faring in the proverbial popularity contest.

Once you’re confident that your search terms are golden, you’ll want to create some new content (or bulk up your existing content) around those search terms to increase your chances of ranking organically for them.

If your new terms would do well on some of your existing pages, slot ’em in there in a way that makes sense (for example, you can use the genius Now With More strategy).

Otherwise, create some blog content, videos, TikToks Reels, whatever tasty content you can muster. Remember, you’ll rank higher when you produce content that somehow exceeds the quality of what’s currently ranking.

Aaaaaand you’re done!

… just kidding. SEO is like the mafia: there’s only one way out.

Your SEO work is never done, and you’ll need to re-evaluate these keywords every month. But using this keywords research methodology is one (reasonably quick!) way to stay on top of your SEO game!


Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
